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Books and Boxes

Picture books don’t fit on regular bookshelves.  We all know that, right?

So I had to come up with a way to store them so that Adam can:

a) look through them independently

b) put them away independently


And this is what I came up with!  It has moved around the living room, and I don’t think it looks great where it is now, but it serves its purpose!

  img_2239 img_2242 img_2251 img_2252img_2238    

The bottom crate came from a garage sale for $8 years ago.

The top crate was from my great grandparents’ house.  I think the colors and “rope” are super cute, so it may go to Adam’s room eventually.


Speaking of Adam’s room, here are a couple of pictures.  This is a shelf on his changing table, which holds the books we choose from every night.  We read 3 – 7 books every night, often the same ones over and over and over until I hide them. :)  There are more books on top of the changing table, and the other shelves, but I was too lazy to straighten them all up.


img_2266And since I’m linking this up to Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Night Special Old Crate Theme Party, here’s one more.  I got this at JB Knacker for $14 a few months ago.  (If you are ever in central Iowa, and you like junk, you HAVE to stop there!)  It’s just hanging out on my childhood dresser for now because I’m not really sure what to put in it.  Ah well, some things are cute just by themselves, right?



If I hadn’t quickly kicked all the toys out of the way to take these pictures, I’d show you the rest of the room…another day, perhaps.

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

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  1. Such a clever way to store your little ones books, they love to be independant don't they. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment on my blog. wishing you a lovely weekend, we are in the middle of a long weekend here in Aus and it's bliss to have another sleep in tomorrow. You are very good to read so many books to your little one, you have inspired me to read more to Oliver.

  2. Love the book storage! I sure need it around here!!! I got books runnin' out my ears...

  3. I like all your crates, but the bottom one is by far my favorite. What a great way of using them this way. Function and beauty in one, a golden combination.

  4. I love your stacked storage and miss those days of reading countless story books with our boys.

  5. I love that middle crate! it's too cute! I think the books at our house breed to make more. But apparently the baby books grow into teen books and runaway, because we always seem to have a growing number of books and the ones the kids want are always missing. Doesn't that just figure? Thanks for sharing, Katie! :)
