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Wordless Wednesday: No bootable device

I've been told this means that my harddrive has crashed.


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  1. Rats is right! That stinks. I hope you are able to get it fixed.


  2. Oh no. I dread the day I'll see a message like that. Hope it gets fixed!

  3. Not a good picture! You need to get a Mac. I promise that won't happen on a Mac and you'll never go back to a PC. I promise that too. Happy WW!

  4. Oh poop! Seriously, do computers really make our lives easier??? (c: I hope you get it all fixed soon!

  5. Oooh that sucks! Hope everything gets fixed soon. I know how much it drives me crazy when I'm w/o mine for a few days.

  6. Boo. I hope it gets fixed soon!

  7. Oh no.... that is horrible. It is a message I saw once and then it cost me $1500 to save my pictures!!! Uggghh! Good luck!

  8. Nightmare. My Pc used to regularly do that and the engineer only solution was always to reset it to factory setting, which meant losing everything.
    Hope thats not the case for you.

  9. Oh no! I hope you are able to get it fixed soon! I hate when computers malfunction! :(

    By the way, I have been looking through your recent posts, and you have been so busy! I have much to catch up on! :)


  10. Sigh.... That is NOT a good thing. Hope your Plan B is already in the works!
