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Spring at Squaw Creek

Squaw Creek was absolutely gorgeous yesterday.
I tried to capture the vibrancy of the colors, while simultaneously freaking out everyone driving down the highway.
I’m bummed that the sky is so washed out, but I was facing west at 4 PM and I couldn’t get a better shot. :(
Later in the spring, the grass will get taller and be a muted tan color.  But right now, it is a beautiful green.
Most of Iowa is very flat farmground.  But there are a few areas that are too hilly, or prone to flooding, to farm.  Those areas are pasture for cattle, and this is one of them.
I love these areas…I believe it is closer to what Laura Ingalls saw when she lived in the midwest; very different from our perfect rows of corn and thousands of wind turbines nowadays.  I’ve always wanted to have a picnic on the bank of a creek like this.  But I’m scared of snakes.
See the flat grass at the foreground of that last picture?  That is from the spring flooding.  The water was HIGH!
Here, I turned around and took a picture of our house.  You can also see two of our turkey buildings.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures – we certainly enjoyed the day!

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  1. Such pretty pictures. I would love to take a walk there.
