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This is a super quick post.  I have 4 incredibly busy days coming up, but I didn’t want to totally neglect my blog like I did last week.

Here are some pics of the progress in the bathroom and Baby Brudder’s room.  Baby Brudder’s room is being held up by the junk that’s still in there.  (It’s mostly hubby’s.  Sigh.)
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Bathroom closet:
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Tubby and mini-closet – provides access to plumbing and will hold brooms, vacuum, etc.
Door will be painted white, also.
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There will be 3 of these cabinets stacked to provide more storage.  They will be white.
BB’s room:  junk
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Now, like I said, 4 REALLY busy days.  We added a “project” to the list that I haven’t told you about yet, and it’s a pretty big one that has taken up a LOT of our time.  (And no, the baby has not arrived.)
