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Sickie Baby

Adam was sick Sunday night through Tuesday morning. :( He had a high fever, which is a normal reaction to the MMR vaccine he had last week. Poor baby - I've never seen him this miserable. He spent the whole day whimpering, no matter what I did.

But I got to rock-a-bye him for the first time in 3 months. Usually he protests and squirms, but yesterday he wanted to be held. And last night, he actually snuggled me in bed, which was unusual and very sweet.

Today he seems to be feeling better, but very tired because he didn't sleep good the last two nights.

It's times like this that I am so thankful that I have such a healthy little boy. In his first year of life, he only saw the doctor a couple of times for illnesses. Otherwise, we were there for reflux in the first couple of months, and his regular check-ups. We made it an entire year with no ear infections or other illnesses, which I strongly believe is becuase he was exclusively breastfed. I feel sorry for him when he feels crummy, but I know it's a relatively minor thing compared to some of the things his little buddies (and their parents) have gone through, and I am glad that we have made it this far without any serious medical problems.

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