Adam had his one year checkup with Dr. Swanson today. He was 29 1/2 inches tall and 19 lbs, 10 oz. His height and weight continue to be on the small side of normal, but Dr. Swanson thought that was fine. He said there's nothing that says that bigger is better for babies. Which was a perfect segue into a concern I had.

When we saw a different doctor about a week ago, he commented on Adam's weight, saying, "Everyone trumpets breastfeeding, but those breastfed babies just drop off the charts after 6 months." I was appalled for several reasons:

1. A pediatrician should NEVER say anything negative about breastfeeding.
2. There is evidence that bigger truly isn't better for babies.(http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/dailydose/04/01/baby.fat.obesity/index.html?iref=newssearch)
3. Adam has not "dropped off the charts."
4. I worked my butt off to keep breastfeeding this long! How dare he make it sound as if it wasn't worth it?!?!

After I told Dr. Swanson about the other pediatrician's comments, he said he was going to have a little talk with him. :) Thank you, Dr. Swanson. That's why we love you.
Dr. Swanson was also impressed that Adam says hello, tuh-tuh (tractor), Sal, Mama and Dada. He said he's a "bright boy!"

Here are some pictures from this afternoon.