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I like to move it, move it…

Dresser Collage

(Alternate title: One Dresser, Four Rooms, Five Looks)

I like to move furniture.

But really, it’s deeper than that.  I am not a creature of habit.  I am a creature of “there must be a better way to accomplish that” and I have been known to try a new method every time I approach a similar task.

My affinity for trying new solutions to old problems is especially apparent when it comes to home décor and organization.

Which means that furniture moves at my house.  A lot.

For example, the dresser in our farmhouse mudroom has been around the block. Right now, it holds shoes, gloves and hats.

IMG_0601-6454(rev 0)

But before it was in the mudroom, it was in the kitchen, with barnwood shelves (from my Great Grandpa’s barn) above it.  It still held shoes, gloves and hats then, since our mudroom was more for Bart and his farmer clothes at that time.


Here’s the dresser, with a different set of shelves (DIY Ballard Designs shelves) and styled a bit differently:


Before the dresser moved to the kitchen, it was perfect in Adam’s nursery. (His quilt was a red and white one that my Grandma and I made together.  So cute and gender neutral.)


And before that, the dresser lived in the guest room of our first house.  (By the way – recognize that storage box? I’ve had it for years and still love the colors and pattern.)


That dresser has been in our family for 4 generations now – it was my grandfather’s, my mom’s, mine and now my childrens’.  (Sort of like turkey farming, also a 4 generation tradition for our family!) And because of the dresser’s versatility and timelessness, I have no doubt that we’ll be able to use it for generations to come.

And who knows what room we’ll use it in next?