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New (Old) Bathroom Cabinet and a Bitter Cold Update

(I'm sure by now you're sick of hearing about the cold.  I am, too.  But just a little update - Yesterday's temp was -12*F in Des Moines.  And wind chills out here on the prairie were in the -40s.  But, we made it through both nights without the turkey barns calling us, meaning that the temps stayed steady and everything worked correctly.  In fact, our barns are warmer than my friend's house right now!  As my friend Jent says, #modernagricultureworks)

After 8 months of sitting on the floor in the bathroom, the antique cabinet I bought is finally hung, and I love it more than my five year old loves running the drill. (And that’s a LOT.)


I enlisted the help of said 5-year-old to keep him from fighting with his brother for 10 minutes.  It worked.
2013-12-28 13_45_56

Unfortunately, the little squirt wasn’t strong enough to hold the cabinet while I screwed it in, so we used a convenient diaper box as a jack of sorts.

I taped off the stud’s location (using a super scientific knock-knock-thud method to find it.)  And then Adam’s important job was to check the level.

mark stud with tape

I predrilled 4 holes right in the back of the cabinet, using this bit.

predrill holes

And then switched to a phillips head bit and started the screws.  After I had one in, I let Adam screw in the rest, which made him happier than a penguin eating sushi.

why you need to predrill holes

Look very closely at that last picture.  See to the southwest of the screw I started, there’s an old hole and a crack in the back of the cabinet?  That’s what will happen if you don’t predrill your hole.  And NO, I didn’t make that crack.  It was already there.

pretty bathroom organization
I tore off the blue tape, and then came the fun part…accessorizing!  The tray is antique, hand hammered, from Turkey, I believe. I got it at at antique store nearby because of the orange tones in it.
silver and pewter accesories

A thrift store clock (that doesn’t work, apparently) and some silver? candle holders.  I really have no idea whether or not the tray and votives have any antique value, but to me, they have decorative value, and that’s the important thing.


And now, the glamour shot you’ve all been waiting for…the throne, in all her glory!

cabinet above the toilet

I still have quite a few decorative projects to finish up in this room before I show you the full before and afters.  Prepare to be amazed!

 (Want to see more posts about my 105 year old farmhouse?  Subscribe via email or with an RSS reader.)