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Secrets from a Teacher: Let Your Kids See You Reading


I was going to post another, more serious tip today…another analysis of what I did wrong yesterday morning that led to a 3-year-old’s meltdown in church.

But, after rolling it around in my head all day, I started reading October’s pick for the Blogger Book Club (The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry: A Novel ) instead of writing a blog post.  Now, I’m scrambling to get this done in 10 minutes before Adam gets off the bus.

So, here’s today’s short, but important “secret.”

Let your kids see you reading.


Children must understand that reading has value beyond school.  Reading can be enjoyable.  Reading can give us information we need.  Reading is something grown-ups do all the time!

When my class had silent reading time, I tried to read along with them (although I often had papers to grade and lessons to prepare.)  I shared my favorite books with them and made a point of letting them know that I am a lifelong reader.

At home, I do the same thing.  I want my sons to know that I read a LOT.  Most of the reading I do now is on my phone – I read the news, several ag websites, articles on parenting and more everyday.  And I take advantage of my library’s online lending program so that I can read for FUN, too!  Because it’s on my phone, I have to make a point to tell them that I’m not just playing games or checking facebook.  I’m reading and I want them to know it!

(Need something to read? Try this one!)

(This post is part of a Secrets from a Teacher to Make You a Better Parent, a part of the write31days.com challenge.  The best way to keep up with this series is to subscribe via email here.)

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  1. Another great one! I love books and I want my son to love them just as much as I do!
