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Isaac, the Threenager

My sweet Isaac turned 3 a couple of weeks ago.


This kid keeps us on our toes. 

img_6456At his first birthday, he was going through a period of time where he just didn’t sleep from 2am to 4am.  He had chronic constipation that made his poor little tummy hurt. 


When he turned two, we started speech therapy, because he just didn’t talk.  At all. Throughout the last year, he learned to talk, but he also learned to beat up his (bigger) brother.


And now? Now he’s three.  And refuses to give up his pacifier or wear underwear or stay in his bed or eat anything but pancakes and Chex.


But through all the little battles and challenges that Isaac has brought us, he has also brought us JOY.


For a long time, I couldn’t figure out what Isaac’s strengths were.  He didn’t seem to have any.  But I finally realized, Isaac’s strength is joy.

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Isaac can find the joy in any situation. He is never simply happy – he is over-the-moon excited about nearly everything.  Of course, he has his grumpy moments, but for the most part, he approaches life with a happy-go-lucky, sunshine-y attitude that rubs off on anyone around him.


Sometimes, Isaac’s joy is a bit misplaced.  Like when he delights in hitting Adam.  Or giggles like crazy when he sneaks out of bed for the tenth time.  Yes, Isaac is a little ornery.  But he more than makes up for it with his sweet hugs and infectious smile.


Happy Birthday, sweet Isaac!

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