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I believe in the full moon.

Most of the time, I believe science.

When I was teaching, I used research based practices to help my students learn.

In agriculture, I trust the scientific research that is out there.

And I love psychology, which studies humans behavior from a scientific perspective.


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But I also believe in the full moon.

I believe the full moon has the power to turn an innocent class of 4th graders into an army of little monsters.

I believe the full moon can transform two loving brothers into Civil War style enemies.

I believe the full moon makes reasonable, rational women become weepy, emotional little girls.


I believe, that for a few days every month, that big round, beautiful moon makes everyone bat-shit crazy.

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  1. Having some full moon symptoms in your house today I take it??? ;)

  2. I agree! I used to work at a church and plan funerals. It seemed like people passed away around full moons and we'd get a lot of strange walk-in traffic.

  3. This cracked me up. I believe, too, though this past one wasn't the problem for me that it apparently was for you. I hope things have settled down. :)

  4. I am a maternity nurse. I have been a believer in the full moon for 15 years now :)

  5. I stopped by after your post on Sawdust & Embryos - reading down the line, wondering if I should add you to my 'daily list' of blogs I check and bam! You had me at bat-shit crazy! I am now a loyal follower and absolute believer in the power of the moon (I do daycare, I can prove it is true). Can't wait to see what you do with the shelves, they look similar to a piece I redid this fall. I painted mine white with a dark turquoise backing - I can zip you pics if you want. Anyway - just wanted to let you know we Iowa girls think alike!
