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A quick tip…

If you follow along on Facebook, you might already know that we are currently battling our first ear infection.  Neither of my boys had ever had one until Isaac (almost 2) ended up with a double ear infection earlier this week. 
I have to say…Thank God for antibiotics.  I’ve written about antibiotics and turkeys before, but I can’t remember another time my kids have needed the wonder drugs.  But seriously, they are amazing because I could not stand another night without sleep.  It. was. terrible.(Oh, and I guess maybe the little guy was in some pain, too, although he couldn’t tell me because he doesn’t talk yet, but that’s another post for another day.)
I’m not a pro at administering antibiotics to my children.  But I remembered a tip I saw somewhere (pinterest?) and decided to give it a try. Of course, my version isn’t nearly as pretty as the version I saw originally, but it gets the job done...
antibiotics for ear infection
Since I’m still recovering from the sleep deprivation caused by those darn ears of Isaac’s, I was having trouble remembering whether he’d had the proper dose.  So I made a quick grid on the bottle with a sharpie – 10 days, 2x a day – and I’ll know exactly when to stop, too (which is much harder than it sounds.)  And don’t forget to attach your marker with a rubber band, so that the little stinker doesn’t get ahold of it and try to make a grid on the walls.

Now, if only I could figure out how to get the medicine into him without an Olympic level wrestling match…

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  1. I need to do this the next time one of the kids needs antibiotics. Mine usually end up getting something like two doses a day for four days, one dose a day for two days, two doses a day for three days and one dose a day for four days.

  2. Ohhh!!! That IS a good idea!!! I can totally relate to Olympic level wrestling ;)
    Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon!!!
