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Problem Solving Matrix

This is a problem solving tool that is part of the PETS curriculum I use with 3rd graders.  I think it’s great for adults, too.  My friend is having trouble making a decision, so I am posting this for her so that maybe she can give it try!




Here it is filled in…


I think it’s pretty self-explanatory.  Just put in your options and the criteria you’re using to make your decision.  If there is one criterion that’s far more important than the others, maybe put it twice?  Then, rate each option for each criterion, total up your scores, and voila!

(Now, I need to seriously fill this in for the 4 siding bids we got last month.  Any other questions I should add?)

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  1. Maybe find out where they get their material and if it comes with a warranty? Do the guarantee their work? (in writing!)

  2. That's pretty interesting. And congrats on your new baby. He is very cute.
