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Decisions, decisions...

I'm in the middle of a big decision that could affect my life quite a bit. I am trying to decide whether to stay in my current teaching position or take a part time position.

I like my current position as a 4th-6th grade Title I teacher. I love working with small groups of kids and I get to work with many different kids throughout the day. I love teaching reading, and although I didn't think I would like it, I like teaching math more and more everyday. Of course there are times when I am frustrated - mostly when I am having a hard time getting a concept across to my students, or when I am dealing with scheduling woes.

However, I have been thinking for awhile now that working part time would help me balance life and work a little better. The teacher in me will always want to teach, and I would miss my "kids" if I stayed home full time, but as my home life gets more hectic with kids and farmer and farm, I need more time there to keep from feeling like I'm stretched too thinly.

So I feel like a part time position would be the perfect home/work time balance. But I'm still apprehensive about taking a part time position for several reasons, and I'm afraid to commit to a decision I'm not sure about. I plan on making the decision within a couple of days after more prayer, reflection, and discussions with my husband.

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