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Strength in Numbers: Wall Art

I'm totally digging sets of coordinating wall art lately, like this:

And this:

And these, too:
Source: bhg.com via Katie on Pinterest

So, you know me...I decided to DIY it.

But even after trying a million different frame color/mat combinations (seriously, my mom will vouch for me.  Every time she came over it was different.) it still wasn't working for me.

I decided I needed two more frames/pictures.  Except I couldn't decide which pictures to use.  And then, this happened.

 And I gave up.  And finished painting the living room, instead.

And then hung something else there.

Yep, another project that I didn't even share before I replaced it.  Are you seeing a trend?

I still totally love the pictures, so they will be finding a new home, somewhere...

By the way - do you follow Squaw Creek on Facebook?  I just recently set up a page and I'd love to post some more updates, especially since the exterior siding project starts tomorrow!

Have a great weekend!  I'll be busy spending time with my boys, and undoubtedly, switching up some more things at home while giddily watching the old siding come down!

Shared at:
Saturday Night Special


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  1. Haha! You sound like me! I change things up a lot. Then I end up putting it all back how I had it. Then I'm still not happy and can't wait to change it up again. That's why I've had a new guest room since December and I'm not finished decorating it yet! :-)

  2. Love the pictures too. Maybe they would look better in a smaller wall space? Just a thought......

  3. I love how your little guy is just chilling on the couch!

  4. Ooh! Great inspiration pics. Your beautiful photos will definitely find a home somewhere--I feel ya on making a decision and then knowing it's just not right.

    Love your little guy making a cameo on the couch in those last few. :)

  5. Katie love the look. I have a lot of pictures great look
