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Reader Feature: Pinterest Projects

Good morning!

Today I've got a couple of projects sent by my readers (and friends) to share!

Tati shares my addiction to Pinterest and she emailed me this fabulous organization project she took on.  She pinned this:

And then tackled her medicine cabinet.  



Looks amazing, doesn't it?  Tati came over and deep cleaned my kitchen right before Isaac was born.  Maybe I'll have another baby so I can get her to do my medicine cabinet. :)
Another reader/friend, Kim, made the World's Greatest Dad art for her husband, too.  With three kids, it worked well to have one for each letter, but it was definitely a challenge to get good pictures of all three of them!

Nevertheless, I think it turned out GREAT!

If you have something you'd like me to share, leave a comment or send me an email!

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  1. Love the organization pin. I have not joined pinterest yet. I'm afraid I might get sucked in and will never get anything done!

  2. Have you heard of the Great Pinterest Challenge happening over at Better Life Bags now? More information here:


  3. All of my medicine cabinets are shallower than those shelves look - hmmmm - I'll have to look & see what kind of containers I can find that might fit MY shelves - I like the idea of not being attacked when I open the cabinet doors, though! :)

  4. I love this redos. I keep my medicines in a one of those small pull out drawer sets, but this looks like it would be more effective.
