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January’s the Worst

I’ve decided, without a doubt, that January is by far the worst month of the year.

At least, this year, it is.

It’s cold and we’ve all been sick.

We’re stuck in the house, my pants don’t fit, and my New Year’s Resolutions have already gone by the wayside.

My boys have forgotten how to do anything but snuggled up on the couch under 14 blankets to keep warm.


We’re feeling seasonally affected, and it’s all January’s fault.


But here’s the good news.  It’s FEBRUARY now!  And everyone knows that February is so much better than January, right?

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  1. lol I remember this feeling when we lived in Minnesota! As much as I'm missing the seasons, I didn't love Jan or Feb (sorry). But keep in mind that spring is just around the corner!!
