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Looking back on 3

My baby turned 4 last weekend.  When he woke up on his birthday, he looked down at his body and said, “But I don’t wook bigger! Maybe in a few years…”

Three and four year olds are full of funny quotes, have you noticed?  And they’re still young enough that they don’t mind when you laugh at them.

I think it’s only fair that I spread some of Isaac’s funnies around, so that you, too, can laugh at the boy whose name actually means “laughter.”


When I grow up, I want to be…..’Piderman!2014-07-24 11_12_39

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Mom, you’re the best mom in the world. The best mom in the whole wide world.  The best mom in the whole wide world….that lives with me.


Isaac: How will you snuggle me when I’m a grown up?

Me: When you’re a grown up, you’ll live in your own house.

Isaac: But I’ll miss you!

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Brinley is my best friend.

But my real best friend is Adam.2014-07-05 17_45_30

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Isaac: I'm going to call you Mommy Poopy.
Me: I don't like that name.
Isaac: How about Farty Poopy?

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Me: Isaac, don't do that!
Isaac: Why?
Me: Because you might fall.
Isaac: But I might not fall!
(In a cute little sing-songy, eternally optimistic voice.)



Before a reporter came to the farm, I tried to prep Isaac...
"Isaac, she's going to ask if you help on the farm, and what are you going to say?"
"I'm gonna say, 'Who ARE you?'"


Adam: (In the bathtub) Isaac, quit spitting!
Isaac: But I have to spit out the pee water!
Adam: It's not pee water.
Isaac: Yes, it is! I peed in it!


Happy birthday, Isaac! May you continue to live up to your name and bring us lots of laughter forever!

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  1. Those made my day!! He's adorable!!

  2. He agrees with me. Bagels are nasty tricks on people who like doughnuts.

  3. Love these! He's adorable. "Who ARE you?" LOLOL
