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Elsewhere on the Interwebs….

One of my favorite things about blogging is meeting other bloggers.  And this month, a few of my blogging buddies asked me to write a guest post about (you guessed it!) TURKEY!

  • Big Bear’s Wife, Angie, is a food blogger with the sweetest accent and best down-home recipes.  She asked me to share some tips for your Thanksgiving turkey and I worked with Gretta from Iowa Turkey to write the post.
  • Fellow Iowa blogger, Kristen, from Make the Best of Everything, is giving away a copy of my children’s book, and to go along with it, I shared 5 of my favorite organization DIYs.
  • Beth Ann, another Iowa blogger, writes at “It’s Just Life” so I shared “It’s Just Life on a Turkey Farm” and a list of 13 things you probably don’t know about living (and loving) a turkey farm.  She is also giving away a copy of my book.
  • Eat Play Love Des Moines is a fun local blog showcasing all there is to do in Des Moines!  My friends and I worked together to list the Top 10 Places to Eat Turkey in Des Moines. (And there’s a book giveaway here, too!)

Go visit those bloggers and say, “Hi” for me!

And if you don’t already do so, you should probably follow me on Facebook and Instagram.  I’m in the Big Apple and having a blast! Here’s one of the highlights:



Last, I want to thank everyone who shared my response to FoodBabe last week.  I’ll leave you with a reminder – Don’t Fear Your Food.


(Click the graphics below to be taken to the corresponding guest post!)

turkey tips

kids storage

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  1. Hope you are having a blast on your trip. I can only imagine how amazing the Tiffany store is in NYC. Looking forward to checking out these other Iowa blogs.
