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Tasty Turkey: Meet the Chefs

Turkey is such a versatile meat; delicious and healthy year round. I’ve been wanting to share more turkey recipes on my blog, but quite frankly, I’m a failure as a food blogger. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried, but I’m such a terrible cook that the recipes never turn out blog-worthy.  (The real problem is my aversion to measuring ingredients.  I blame Rachael Ray.)
So I called for reinforcements. I put out a plea on my facebook wall, looking for someone who is a good cook, already cooks a lot of turkey, and would be willing to contribute to my blog. Two of my friends volunteered, and I can’t wait to start sharing their turkey recipes here!
Jenn is a full-time mom who loves to cook and experiment with new ingredients. She is dedicated to providing her three children (6, 4, and 7 months) and husband with nutritious, delicious meals, while sticking to a budget. Keeping turkey in her weekly menu rotation makes it easy to accomplish those goals. Turkey is so versatile, it's easy incorporate it into many dishes. When she's not in the kitchen, she's coordinating the crafts for our local MOPS group, attending a monthly book club, sewing, and busy homeschooling (during the summer).

vn9q2jozAnn is a Registered Dietitian who loves to cook, scour the earth for new recipes and share her love of all things food with family and friends. She has worked in food service for four years, including two years in India, where she has gained a vast knowledge of what it takes to serve the good food that people need in a safe manner. Turkey is a low fat, low sodium protein option. Its functionality makes a simple yet satisfying meal. Outside of the kitchen, Ann loves reading, hosting friends and family, and travelling to new and exciting places.

Most of the recipes will come from this free cookbook from the Iowa Turkey Federation, but some will be from other sources, too.
What kind of recipes would you like to see?  Easy dinners?  Recipes for leftover turkey?  Slow-cooker options? 
I can’t wait to see what these two cook up!

Shared at: Meet Me Monday

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  1. Great idea! I love cooking with turkey. Easy supper and slow cooker options would be best for me. I do turkey loins in the slow cooker a couple times a month. I'd be happy to share my recipe sometime!
