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Master Bedroom Plans

Hope you had a great Easter weekend!

A couple of updates on the blog I wanted to share...I dropped the ".blogspot"  Now, you can just go to www.onthebanksofsquawcreek.com.  If you have the site bookmarked with the old address, no worries.  It will automatically redirect you.

I also added the "Recent Post" thumbnails above the new post.  I love it because I see adorable pictures of my boys the minute I bring up the page.

Third - I have began "truncating" some posts.  The most recent post will always be shown in full, but for the rest on the home page, you'll need to click "read more" to see the rest of the post.

And now, on to some super important home decor ideas. :)

We recently moved Isaac’s crib into Adam’s room, so after a year of having an extra roommate, we’re almost ready to declare the master bedroom “For Grown-Ups Only.”
And I’ve got plans.
master bedroom

The plan starts with this headboard.  I bought it at the Goodwill for $25 and gave it a quick coat of spray paint.

img_6915(rev 0)img_6917(rev 0)

I’ve posted about how much I loathe spray paint before, but this was a totally different experience.  This Rustoleum paint worked so. well.  And people, you must NOT attempt any spray painting without this handy-dandy Rustoleum handle thingy.  And no, they’re not paying me to say that.


When it was dry, I propped the headboard behind the bed, just to get an idea of how it would look. 

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I want to raise it up a foot or so, and upholster the inset part with a bright coral fabric

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I also have a pretty, curvy mirror that I bought the same day for $12.99.  Gotta spray it, and then it will go on the wall opposite the bed, to bring some of the curviness to the other end of the room.

Other to-dos:
  • bamboo shades
  • put up the rest of the trim
  • fix the hand-me-down drapes – remove the tabs and sew a rod pocket.
  • new/different nightstand
  • lamps
  • new rug?  eh – probably not, but it sounds nice

I’m really excited to finally have a pretty bedroom!

Shared at Tuts and Tips Not to Miss 
Piece of Work Wednesday 
Metamorphosis Monday 
How to Nest for Less  
May Before and After Party at Thrifty Decor Chick

Would you like to comment?

  1. Great updates on your blog! You make me want to do some updates on mine. Good luck with the bedroom updates! I'm sure you'll love the space when you get done!

  2. ooh the headboard is awesome! ic an't wait to see it come together!

  3. Rustoleum is the ONLY spray paint I will use anymore. Krylon has never worked well for me but I know other people like Krylon. Excited to see your room evolve, the colors and fabric choices are great! You gotta love a goodwill find mixed with spray paint!

  4. That is one awesome comforter!!! Great minds think alike!

  5. I love transforming treasured finds back into beautiful uses—you have done this wonderfully with your headboard. A visit here to your other restorations throughout your house has revealed your special touch you have with making old beautiful again. You are making your family a beautiful home. -heather

  6. Love the headboard and coral! I'll be reading to see how it turns out!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Love your headboard! Your bedroom is going to be gorgeous and sexy!


  9. Where can I buy one of these? A comfortable bed is one of the suggested natural sleep aids of my colleague.

  10. So adorable! I love the simplicity with the bright color accents. home extensions perth

  11. The different beds in your post looks nice. Your designs are very creative, and each has its own unique style.

  12. That's an amazing plan. This is a great idea for your house and I'm sure your wife would love that new bed. It is much better if you combine furniture los angeles and other stuff in your new bed.

  13. It's good that you already have your December Goals. :-D I'm still in the middle of making them and it's already December!
