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Art Class: Photography

(Sorry – I’m taking a break from Secrets from a Teacher today!  Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled parenting tips tomorrow!)

Fall in Iowa: A Photo Essay

Okay, maybe “photo essay” is a stretch, but I was looking through pictures this morning and picked out some of my favorites from autumns past.

fall in iowa

Decorating for fall just feels right.  I’m a big fan of the muted colors and natural elements.

fall planter

fall outdoor decorDIY fall wreath

But Mother Nature does a pretty good job of decorating on her own. Dark gray blue skies, golden fields, and a rainbow of leaves…

fall in Iowafall sunsetold bridge boone county iowafall in iowa

fall leavesfall squaw creek iowafall corn field

But for many of my friends and family members, fall isn’t about decorating or lounging around enjoying nature’s beauty.  Fall is about farming.

20131109_101240(rev 0)img_2606pile of corn

A message for my farmer friends this harvest season:

Thank you for what you do.  Be safe this fall.  And take a few minutes to enjoy the beauty around you as you reap the rewards of your hard work.

And if you need a reminder not to take life too seriously during this incredible busy and stressful time, I offer you these pictures of my sweet little boys, because I’m pretty sure you can’t help but smile at them.


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