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Favorites on Friday: Pinterest Boards

Is it Friday already? Seriously?

This week has been a little stir-crazy.  Our first HomeShed sale is in April, and I have a lot to do to get ready, but the weather is just. not. cooperating.  We had bitter cold and snow again at the beginning of this week, and now, I’ve got one kiddo with an ear infection (he can go back to school today) but another with a fever/cold who will be staying home to “help” me today.  So even though the weather is slightly nicer, I still won’t be working outside today, either.

So instead of being productive, I spent some time browsing pinterest this morning, and realized I should share some of my favorite pinterest boards with you!


First up: Turquoise

My love for turquoise goes way back.  My turquoise chairs are the latest object of my affection, but before that, I had turquoise in my first house, too! (Ah, tiny little house where no children lived, I miss you sometimes!)

aqua curtains 001 P1010393

So of course, I have a whole pinterest board devoted to the color! Click here for my Turquoise Board!



Next: Playroom!

We recently shuffled rooms around so that we have a playroom on the first floor, and I love it! (So do the boys!) 



I’ve been collecting playroom inspiration for years, though, and it’s all right here on this pinterest board.



One more: Turkey Recipes

Okay, so we eat a lot of turkey.  For good reason.  So I am always looking for new ways to make it, to liven things up a bit.  My Turkey Recipes board, which I share with a few other turkey lovers, has been a life saver more than once.


Have a great weekend –hope some of the warmer weather is headed your way!

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  1. I must know when your HomeShed sale is! I have no skill when it comes to home décor, but I'd love to come check out your treasures!

  2. I love the turkey board! Just pinned something yummy.
