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Summertime is a Funner Time


Well, technically, summertime is a more fun time, but that just doesn’t have the same ring to it, now does it?

We’ve been so busy this summer, but most of it has been so FUN!


Father’s Day weekend, we went bowling…

thumbs upkatie and IsaacDaddy & Isaac


and played a bit at the arcade. 


boys at arcadeIMG_5118


We’ve been swimming,





IMG_5239 and playing outside. 


outdoor waterbedIMG_5497brothersbrothers playing

(Giant Outdoor Waterbed Instructions from Utah County Mom)


And on the 4th of July, we played with friends.

sparklersfourth of julyboys

See?  Summertime really is  a funner time!

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  1. Yes definitely funner! and in our case also busier!! Glad our summer weather has been enjoyable, for the most part :)

  2. Funner works for me! I totally remember you announcing your pregnancy with Adam on the HGTV boards - and look how big he is now! Time flies and you have two handsome sons.
