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The Wise Words of Ms. Laura Ingalls Wilder

I have always loved the Little House series, and dressed as Laura several times for Halloween as a kid.  I even named my blog based on one of her books (On the Banks of Plum Creek.)
But it has been years since I have read the novels.  Now, I’m rediscovering them with Adam, and it’s quite possible that I love them even more now that I’m an adult.  As a child, I enjoyed reading about life on the prairie.  As an adult, I am in awe of what the pioneers endured, and inspired by Laura’s wise words and attitude.

With that in mind, I created a series of word art with some sage advice from the author.

These printables are a free gift for my email subscribers.  In order to download the files (without the watermark) you must sign up for my email list below.  After you sign up, you’ll get a confirmation email that has the link to download the printables. (Check your spam folder if you don’t see it right away.)  Any questions, just let me know in the comments!

Laura Ingalls Wilder Simple Things ArtLaura Ingalls Wilder Quote Free Printable ArtLaura Ingalls Wilder wisdom free printable artLaura Ingalls Wilder ArtLaura Ingalls Wilder quote art
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