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I love my kids’ birthdays

I love my kids’ birthdays. It’s such a great time to reflect on their lives.  In the days leading up to Adam’s 4th birthday, Bart and I reminisced about my pregnancy, his birth and his newborn days.  We are amazed at how blessed we are and how awesome Adam is, but in everyday life, we don’t always appreciate those things.  His birthday, once a year, is a good reminder of how much he’s grown, how fast time is going, and how much he really means to us.


And then, there are the parties. On his actual birthday, we let him open his presents from us throughout the day.  He couldn’t contain his excitement.  He threw his arms around my waist and declared that he loved me.  (This from a boy who already refuses to let me kiss him.) 

We made cupcakes, and that evening, we had a grandparents party in the air conditioning.  Adam was surrounded by 3 aunts, 1 uncle, 4 grandparents and 7 great grandparents who absolutely adore him. 

Then, the next day, there was a party for friends at the park. It was a million degrees, and lots of fun.

I just absolutely adore seeing him so excited about things. And opening presents with his family and friends made him just giddy. I love it.img_8818img_8827


I stayed true to my holiday motto: Keep it Simple, Make it Meaningful.  Making the cupcakes wasn’t necessarily as simple as buying them, but it was more meaningful.   Adam and I love spending time in the kitchen together.  And the party at the park?  It was his choice, and he got to play with his best friends.  img_8877img_8879

img_8878img_8859I truly don’t think he’ll mind that there were no handmade decorations or gourmet desserts – what matters to him is that he got to spend time with the people he loves, and have a day devoted to Awesome Adam!

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